Victorian Era Lover/ Inspirations/Tips

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another post without pictures of myself. Thanks to the winter, and bunch of snow outside. Yesterday, I went outside, and took a look at some shops, and I bought 2 breathtaking dresses, floral shirt, bag, blazer and elegant trousers, and unfortunately, it will take maybe even a month to show it via pictures where I'm wearing it. I also bought 2 dresses in January, and beautiful vintage costume in december, and a lot of accessories which I'm going to wear when sun comes out, so, all of that will wait. I tend to buy dresses all the time, you got it, I'm pretty sure. And I always want more, and sometimes even don't have enough time to wear them at least once. That's pity, but what can I do.
So, all of the mentioned things will have to wait to be posted here. I decided to do some kind of continued post related to the previous inspiration one. As there are quite a lot of the things inspiring me. And I decided to do Victorian Era separately, in one post, because it deserves more space than any inspiration does. I think that there's no such a person who is keen on to it as much as I am.
Funny little fact, I actually don't want to go back in time, and live in Victorian era. As I've studied a lot of the things at my faculty, and learned a lot of the things myself, I'm pretty horrified by the way they lived, and by the way the women were treated, the hygiene, and a lot of other issues. A lot of people live in illusion that Victorian era, or other periods in starting from the Middle Ages onwards, was perfect for living, that princesses lived in their castles, wore their gowns, read books and enjoyed tea. That's how it was presented in some of the movies, but, actually, none of their gowns was as clean as it looked in the movies, and none of the princesses looked the way they looked in the movies. They rarely took a bath, and some of them took a shower even only once in a year. And it was the case of royal ones, what actually happened among the peasants and servants is the story for its own. But what I really love about it, is the way people shared their opinions and the awareness of women sensibility. They all were musically educated, it was their duty to play at  least one instrument. The sense of perfections in details, like the very little details in houses, even the dishes was perfectly ornamented, the lamps, the doors, cloths, hats, etc.
It is my favourite era in history, and many of you have noticed the spirit of Victorian in my clothing and style. That spirit reflects through my everyday style and I mix it with modern age, as I'm a lover of modern things as well. What I'd like to emphasize is the fact that I love vintage and retro but I almost never visit second hand shops(I've got a couple of things that I redesigned and washed a thousand times as I'm very very hygiene lover person). I always visit the modern brand shops and find suitable clothes for me with that sense of romantic ages. I could find Mango dress which looks totally modern and make it look more romantic with a lot of pearly, lacy details that make it look romantic and vintage. My wardrobe is perfectly designed, every shelf has its divided space for each of the color and piece of clothes. Everything has to be in perfect condition, perfectly polished, without any spots. That's why I don't like second hand shops. I simply wear modern clothes, but the fact that I've got romantic Victorian spirit makes it look old, retro and vintage. Another funny little fact. I never, ever, actually considered myself a vintage lover. I shopped in popular brand shops, being told that I've got vintage style, ad after a while, I realised that the only explanation why people connect my modern style to the vintage one, is that I'm Romantic Victorian inside, that my soul and inner being reflects it.
So, I'd just like to point out a few other tips for being perfectly polished and chic all the time, before I start posting the pictures. And,uhm, I again made longer post than I thought it would actually be. That happens to me all the time, when writing about something so close to my heart.
p.s.- I've noticed a lot of bloggers writing about something they like using Wikipedia or some other source, just copying the text and making the post. I really don't like it, because, personally, I love reading blogs which contain the stories written from their own experiences and hearts. That your inner being is writing. Everyone could be a good writer copying the text from different sources to their own blogs. That was just a little piece of advice how to achieve people's sympathy. And it is, create your own style, never lose your heart, write using your inner being and be yourself, as everyone else is being taken.

I will now post a few little tips to stay chic and classy, with that Romantic spirit I tend to carry. Watching all those Middle Age movies, and reading ancient books led me to the fact that women lost some of its feminine characteristics, as the time passed by.

1.But what will help you keep it is the fact that you should find the clothes that fits you the best.In my case, I didn't find any specific style that fits me more beautifully than the other one, I love a loooot of the things, and combine different styles, and find it looking nice on me, but if you have problem in transforming find the clothes that fits you the best and stay true to it.

2.Also, if you buy something that is not perfect for you, and has something you really like, reshape it. 60% of my clothes is being redesigned by me. Very often I replace buttons on the coats, shirts and make it look a lot more interesting and beautiful. I buy artistic buttons all the time and replace the old ones on my clothes. As I wear xs sized clothes, and love long modern looking dresses with floral prints, I cut the sleeves, or cut the long skirt and make it look chic and sexy at the same time.

3.Always practice when wearing high heels. I'm lucky to tell that I never fall or have a pain in the legs of wearing high heels, and most of the time I actually wear 12 cm heeled shoes. The higher the heel, the better. So, if you want your clothes appear more elegant and classy, learn how to walk well in the heels.
The most important thing, in my opinion, is the foundation. As it's the primer in the make up, foundation of lingerie is sometimes more important than the dress you are wearing. I went shopping with a couple of girls, that called me to be designer of their prom combination, I firstly checked their lingerie, and made them spend more money on lingerie than on the dress.
Find a right size of your bra and if you are not fit always wear underskirt that will shape your body. Never feel sorry for spending money on good quality. I tend to buy very expensive bras and I love quality of lingerie. Remember, the foundation is more important than the most expensive dress in the world.

4.Never, ever try to change the natural lines of your face. Never draw a line outside the corners of your natural line of lips for example, or put a darker shade of foundation all over your face. That's tasteless and not elegant. Keep looking natural as possible. And never put a foundation all over your face. Concealing is the best thing in putting make-up on.(Very very soon, I'll post some of my make-up products and how I apply and use them).

5. Ladylike must have look are PERFECTLY polished nails.(All of the things I've mentioned are the things from my experience and my opinions). When I look at a well dressed women and see ugly polished nails and shape the fact that I thought she's well dressed lose its meaning. It's hard to maintain the perfectly polished color, but do your best. I wash corsets, hats, gloves, silk dresses with my hands. And never use gloves while washing it, because I do not have the feeling when it is completely washed, without any washing gel in it.
My recommendation when using nail polishes, is, always use hand and nail cream so that the skin around the nails feels soft and pretty. Always do a manicure(I always do it myself) Put a nail base(you can find it in any cosmetic store), it will make your nail look healthier and shinier. When putting the nail polish, put a topcoat over it, it will help the nail polish stay longer and look shinier.

6. Nothing could help your face look younger, fresher and more beautiful, than the perfectly shaped eyebrows. I don't like overdrawing. Anyone can make different shapes drawing the lines with make up, but what I suggest(I have black and strong hair, therefore my eyebrows are quite dark and strong, I just fill in the small little gaps with eyebrow pencil, and it takes me a few seconds, the result is great)is that you find the right color of eyebrow pencil, and if needed just fill in the gaps, just a small little ones, no overdrawing or making them thicker. It will make your face look much younger and fresher. Never pluck them over the eyebrow line, just pluck a couple of them under the eyebrow line. That's what I've been doing for years.

7.If you want to look ladylike and natural, never ever use suntanned creams and darken your skin. The porcelain skin is what makes you ladylike. I'm naturally pale tanned, so I'm just keeping it, taking care while I'm out in the sun, using SPF factors foundations, always wear wide hats(not because I want to protect from the sun that badly and stay pale) but because I'm crazy about hats, and plus, it helps me to keep my skin not burned in the sun. I usually have wonderful parasols with me.

8. I take care of my clothes as if I would take care of the babies. Checking out if some spot appears, and immediately remove it, or if the button is falling out, putting it in the right place, polish the clothes till it's perfect, use clothing roller for removing the dust, from time to time, always drying clean hats and coats.
Never, ever wash the different colors together,and use separate gel, actually color washing gels for multi colored clothes, black and different gels for wool and silk.

Let me go back to the Victorian Era and post some of the pictures. What I like the most about the Vcitorian Era fashion are gloves, corsets, hats and gowns.
Corsets are my passion. But what was said back then, is the fact the women were victims of corset fashion and had even classes how to tighten the corsets and make their waists look bizarrely tight.

During the Victorian Period, corsets became an indispensable part of a woman’s wardrobe. All efforts and styles– huge skirts, heavy decorated bosoms, wide belts– were made to emphasize the waist, whittling it down visually. For most ladies, a 26-24 inch waist was normal, but for some, the only limit was, seemingly, the width of their spine! Scarlett O’Hara in the book Gone with the Wind famously boasts about her tiny, 17 inch waist and Caroline Ingalls from the Little House on the Prairie series recalls how her husband used to be able to put his hands all the way around her waist.
Here are some of the pictures showing the bizarre corset tightening:

In the 1830's, the corset was thought of as a medical necessity. It was believed that a woman was very fragile, and needed assistance from some form of stay to hold her up. Even girls as young as three or four, and probably directed by the best motives, were laced up into bodices.
The corset deformed the internal organs making it impossible to draw deep breath, in or out of a corset. Because of this, Victorian women were always fainting and getting the vapors.

Victorian fashion&details

American Civil War costume

 Gloves were must have part of their fashion. I really love those white leather gloves.

 Victorian era inspired gloves(I've got the same ones)

 Petticoats<3 p.s.-I made this kind of petticoat, as soon as the spring is here, I'll do a photoshoot with it:)

 Petticoat of non Victorian Era(probably 1930-1940)

 Typical Victorian boots

Petticoats which are later inspired by Victorian ones

 Victorian bonnet

 Modern designs inspired by Victorian era. Victorian and Vintage spirit<3


 Louboutin Fall 2011

I think I could be posting a 100 pictures per day. 
It was all. I'm sure that for some of you, this post would be boring, and that some of you would probably think, what the hell is she writing about, Victorian era lover, noo waaay:)
But that's me:)
As I don't like posting other pictures than myself on my blog, this kind of post would be the last one.
I've got fashionlista profile, pinterest and tumblr, so if anyone wants to get deeper in the things that inspire me, feel free to take a look at the links. 


  1. Korzeti su moja slaba tacka :D Zahvaljujuci ebay-u mogu se kupiti po razumnim cijenama.

  2. Thank you for following my blog and for that lovely comment (:
    I also like your blog because yours has a lot of pictures (:
    I am also going to follow!

  3. ovo je jedan od najljepših najboljih postova koje sam vidjela slike su genijalne, tekst je odličan a tema je da bolja ne može biti...odlična je usporedba sadašnje mode inspirirane modom prošlih stoljeća ..

    1. Hvala puno! Da sam sela 3 4 sata više, bio bi još detaljniji:) Toliko toga sam pročitala i naučila o viktorijanskoj eri, a toliko toga nalazim da je inspirisano tom erom i načinom zivota, da bih mogla pisati do sutra i nalaziti sličnosti sadašnjih kreacija:)

  4. Uh sto volim ovakve temeljne postove iz kojih mogu da naucim ponesto :)

  5. Jako dobar post, cak sam ga citavog procitala. Mogu sad da zakljucim da mi se Viktorijanska era svidja samo u detaljima, zivjeti u tom dobu ne bih mogla nikako, vise volim disati nego imati mali struk, sve je bilo tako sputavajuce, nije ni cudo da je knjizevnost tog doba tako ustogljena, nemoj me shvatiti pogresna, volim ja citati stvari iz tog doba, ali Boze, sto je to bilo ogranicavajuce doba za zene, volim ja 21 vijek. SUper post!

    1. :D Odlično! Upravo tako! Toliko ograničavajuće da ne bih mogla zamisliti svoj zivot i ostvarivanje ambicija u tom dobu. Smešno mi kada čujem da mnogi nisu zadovoljno našom erom, i zele da se vrate u 18, 19 vek. That's ridiculous. Nase doba ima negativnih strana, ali mnogo vise prednosti. Prljavstinu i bolesti sam navela kao jedne od za mene uzasavajucih okolnosti u kojima su ziveli, nisam ulazila dublje, nisam ni zelela. Toliko ima gorkih činjenica da ne zelim ni da ih pominjem. Toliko sam pročitala te literature zahvaljujući fakultetskim obavezama, a i zato što volim poeziju, Poe mi je jedan od omiljenih. Toliko brutalnih činjenica koje malo ko uzima u obzir. Dvor je je jako loše predstavljen u današnjim pesmama.
      Hvala još jednom:)

  6. Prelep post sa savršenim slikama, svaka ti čast :)

  7. so very true. Films romanticize this era but it was a harsh way to live. I couldnt imagine not showering every day or not being allowed to vote, etc. I do think we can take some things away specifically the ladylike qualities of the women. I run into so many vulgar girls (and boys) throughout the day. It makes me so angry.

  8. wow! the thing about the corsets is unbelievable... how the ribs grow closer and together

  9. odlican post,zaista...volim te neke detalje iz tog doba...ali taj preuski i, anatomski,deformisani struk mi je odvratan...najvise mi se dopadaju viktorijanski detalji primijenjeni na enterijer...ta spavaca soba mi predivnaa...

  10. Ne znam zašto bi iko pomislio da su žene tad uživale. Dok sam čitala Emmu Bovary nekako sam zamišljala kako su to zapravo bila bijedna vremena, naročito za žensku populaciju. Sve se svodilo na to da budu lijepe i žive kao lutke. A mogu misliti kako je tek bilo teško održavati higijenu i slično.

  11. all of the tiny details. so very beautiful!!!
    xo TJ

  12. Oduševila si me sa ovim postom. Volim istoriju i još kada se napravi ovako dobra kombinacija sa modom, današnjim načinom života...uhhh ...mogla bih da čitam i čitam satima!!! Svaka čast!!!

  13. Ajme, odličan ti je post, baš jako zanimljivo i edukativno...a slike su očaravajuće...iako se ne bih baš htjela neprekidno utezati u korzete...:)

  14. Ove lijepe haljine i korseti tačno liče na tebe! :) Da sam ih negdje drugo vidjela tačno bi mi ti pala na pamet. To je dobro jer znači da imaš svoj vlastiti prepoznatljiv stil! :)

    1. Hvala puno! Upravo. Jako je bitno imati svoj prepoznatljiv stil, što je jako teško danas, pored toliko modnih ikona i kreativnih ljudi. Hvala:)

  15. oh thank you so much for the follow!
    i follow back immediately ;)
    bisous xxx

  16. Malo je reći da sam uživala...uzdisala sam nad svakom slikom i poželjela se vratiti u to romantično vrijeme čipke, svile, korzeta....aaaah, to je tako ženstveno! Iako baš ne pratim modne trendove, čini mi se da se korzeti opet vraćaju u modu i to me jako veseli!
    Lijep pozdrav :)))

  17. predivno:)
    Ti gad napravis post,bas ga napravis:D
    kada ce one predivne slikice,tvoje:D

    1. :)Uskoro, kako padam u depresiju čim se ne slikam par dana, mojih slika neće manjkati, samo me malo ova oluja omela,ali uskoro kad krenem da izlazim napolje, biće ih puno:D
      Hvala puno(mada sam se trudila da ispišem što manje, i da stavim što manje slika, post je ispao ogroman, kao što kazem, uvek duzi nego što planiram, a stvarno toliko toga imam da napišem i postujem):D

  18. Malo je reći da sam uživala...uzdisala sam nad svakom slikom i poželjela da se vrate ta romantična vremena čipke, svile, korzeta...modne trendove baš i ne pratim, ali čini mi se da se korzeti vraćaju u modu i to me jako veseli, možda bih se mogla utegnuti, tako da imam savršen struk :)))...a da obučem jednu ovakvu haljinu trebala bi mi kočija, jer u auto ne bih stala :))) Spavaća soba je prekrasna, kao i suncobran!

  19. i love the lace gloves and the petticoats and the beautiful decor. i don't, however, think i could ever wear such a tight corset!

  20. ja imam osjećaj da sam živila u tom stoljeću nekoć davno :)

    1. Ja konstantno imam taj osećaj. Samo, kazem, ne zelim da se vratim u taj period, jer ne mogu zamisliti zivot bez nekih stvari na koje smo svi navikli, pogotovo ne kad je rec o higijeni, s obzirom da sam hiper alergicna na prljavstinu. A tada se umiralo kao dobar dan, od prljavstine, zaraza, ljudi su toliko bili okrenuti veri da sve sto nije bilo odobreno od strane pojedinih ludih svestenika, se smatralo za spaljivanje na lomaci, nabijanje na kolac, zene su redovno bile silovane, i to je takodje bilo uobicajeno. Moj duh, kazem, odise viktorijanskom erom, odecom, dekorom, ali jednostavno, super mi je napredovanje tehnologije, super mi je to, sto mnogi dizajneri uspeju vracati polako retro modu, sve je vise vintage zaljubljenika, i smatram da je mnogo lepse sada:) A to pokazju i cijenice iz istorije. Sa mojim buntovnickim stavom, i sanjarenjima, ja bih u to vreme bila spaljena na lomaci vec sa 10ak godina:DDD

  21. woow.. this post is co cute..
    I would be glad if you follow me.. maybe follow each other?

  22. I love corsets! Not really comfortable, but beautiful.

    1. wow this post is very beautiful, all this gorgous corsets! i´m very obsessed with costume design and i adore especially the victorian era for all the decadence, rich embroidery and dresses which are really pieces of art and it is so impressive when i think in the work they had with this handmade treasures...
      love and kiss,mary

  23. such an informative sharing! Thank you.
    I love ur number 4 tips! :D

    Yeaa I love victorian look, they make us look more elegant.

    One more, happy valentine's day!


  24. sjajan post.. zelim mnogo da se bar nesto iz ove epohe provuce kao element odevanja savremenog coveka.

    1. Hvala. Takodje. Svet bi izgledao mnogo lepse i sofisticiranije. A kod mene se svakako provlači, kroz celo moje biće, a tako se i reflektuje na stil:)

  25. Ovo je predivno, nemam reci!!! Dugo nisam procitala nista lepse... DA MOGU VRATILA BIH SEEEEEEEE TRI VEKA UNAZAD SAMO ZBOG KORSETA I HALJINA!!! :))))

    1. Hvala:) Ja već šijem haljine, malo modernizovane, ali za pojedine kreacije, antique korsete bih dušu dala:)

  26. Uvek budi dama!~Fantastican post

  27. oh.. it was so difficult to be a lady)

  28. harika resimler derlemişsiniz.Cok keyifli bir post teşekkürler:)

  29. angelica you have the perfect everything for the victorian ere look. Those pictures of corsets are beautiful! I love this post!

  30. this is just a little note to let you know that i really enjoy reading your blog, and have a little award waiting for you.

    if you're time-pressed and hate the idea of having to follow these 'rules', or if you're stridently anti-award, please don't feel obligated to respond.

    i'm just letting you know that your
    blog is among those i like best!

  31. I'm new follower,please follow back ;)
    Ovo je jedan od najboljih članaka koje sam pročitala :)) mnoštvo informacija i naravno,tvog mišljenja!zakon si :*

  32. The corset idea and how it can get to disfigure a woman is quite scary. But I love Victorian inspired shoes :)

  33. How incredible !! but I prefer to look at it than wear it, don´t you?? you make spectacular posts, thank you for follow me, now i will follow you too. xoxoxo Misscoco2000

  34. How increible ! But I prefer to look at it than wear it, don´t you? Thank you very much for follow me, now I will follow you too. xoxoxo misscoco2000

  35. fantastic post!

  36. very interesting blog ^^
    follow me and i follow you))

  37. Divne slike :) Imaš nagradu na mom blogu :)

  38. baš sam jednom na faksu radila prezentaciju o viktorijanskom dobu i haljinama tako da sam pravo uživala u ovom postu i potpuno se slažem sa tvojim savjetima.. meni je najteže nokte uvijek držati u nekom podnošljivom stanju jer mi se i sa nadlakom brzo gule a i malo grickam nekad :D vidimo se 3-ćeg u Sarajevu! :D

  39. odličan post! svašta sam naučila! a čeka te i nagrada na mom blogu :))

  40. Just stumbled in your blog and woww... i also looove the Victorian/edwardian era... this is an era like no other, you covered so well all facets of it with the fashion.. and corsets (luuuv corsets... eventhough so uncomfortable to wear though lol !!) but sooo elegant !
    Your post is sooo interesting, luv it !

  41. No! It isnt boring! Its amazing! I like Victoria too! its very pity that it wasnt back(((

  42. Da, sve je izgledalo predivno.
    Naročito mi se sviđaju frizure i deep floral printovi tog doba.
    Ipak su mi draži ovi modifikovani korzeti.
    Njihovi su bili jako neudobni, djevojke su sebi lomile rebra stezanjem istih, neke su čak imale i posljedice prilikom rađanja.

  43. Da, modernizovani korseti sa primesom viktorijanskog duha. Upravo..

  44. While I think there were some exceptions, in general I agree about the (lack of) cleanliness of olden times. I hear that at Versailles there were bathrooms (rare for the era!) but people still preferred to use the stairways to relieve themselves. Imagine those pretty cloth shoes trekking through some of that!

  45. Appreciate Victorian art and architecture by visiting galleries, historic homes, and landmarks that showcase the style of the era.
    Emily Fisher
