Raspberry-Chocolate Tart

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Hello lovelies,

here is the recipe of my raspberry-chocolate tart. The light was not that good today, so I really struggled to make nice pictures. Since I am really really busy these days, I know I will not have time to make some pictures, and the tart will be gone within a couple of days, so I quickly managed to take some shots while the light was still ok.

 So, sorry for the pictures, I surely imagined them to be much better, but the recipe is what counts.


  • 200gr of hazelnuts
  • 200gr of almonds
  • 200gr of plazma 
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of agave nectar

Raspberry jam

  • 400gr raspberries
  • 50gr chia seeds

Chocolate mousse

  • 200gr of chopped dark chocolate
  • 400ml of canned coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

For the base, you should blend all the ingredients in your blender, add coconut oil and agave nectar. Press the mixture in your fluted tart tin. Put in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
To make the raspberry jam, just mix the raspberries with chia seeds, mashing it with fork. Set aside for 20 minutes to thicken. Then, pour it over your base.
To make your chocolate mousse, place your chopped chocolate into the bowl, over a boiling water, and stir until it is melted and smooth. Remove from the heat and add coconut cream, and whisk it until it becomes smooth.
Pour it over your base and jam. Put in your fridge, and serve with fresh fruit.